How to Interact with the Launchpad

Navigating the SingularityDAO Launchpad

Engaging with token launches on the SingularityDAO Launchpad is streamlined and user-friendly. The following guide outlines the steps to participate in token launches like Nunet, ensuring a smooth experience for users.

Step 1: Connect Your Wallet

The Launchpad at is compatible with wallets supporting MetaMask or WalletConnect. Ensure you connect the address you used for KYC, as this is the whitelisted address. Keep your software or hardware wallet updated. For Ledger users, enable “Blind signing” (previously “Enable contract data”).

Step 2: View the Whitelisted Pool

You'll find the pool you're whitelisted for under ‘Active pools’ marked with a green ‘active’ label. Pools that are live but not accessible to you are listed under ‘live pools’.

For WETH Pools:

  • Remember, you need to wrap ETH to WETH. Sending ETH directly is not valid and could result in loss.

  • Click on the relevant pool to begin interaction.

Step 3: Approve Smart Contract Interaction

Before swapping tokens, you must approve the Launchpad's smart contract to interact with your wallet. This is a standard Ethereum blockchain procedure. Approval does not mean token swap or token allocation.

  • Click 'Approve' and sign the transaction in your wallet.

  • Wait for the transaction to process, incurring a gas fee.

Step 4: Swap Your Tokens

Once the smart contract is approved:

  • Check the pool duration, swap progress, and your contribution limits.

  • Enter the amount of WETH or USDT you wish to swap, then click 'Swap' and sign the transaction.

  • A significant gas fee is associated with this step.

  • If the pool fills before your transaction completes, your tokens will be returned minus the gas fee.

Step 5: Claim Your Tokens

Your tokens will be available according to the specific launch's schedule (e.g., 10% on a certain date, followed by monthly tranches).

  • To claim, navigate to the ‘Allocations’ page via the link at the top right of the launchpad.

  • Press 'Claim' and sign the transaction, incurring a gas fee.

  • You can claim monthly or accumulate tokens to claim in one go, saving on gas fees.

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